Fire Protection for Electric Vehicles in Underground Garages:

Putting your safety first

With their sustainability benefits undeniable, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly popular choice on our roads. But as we look forward to a greener future, it’s important to consider our safety in situations that are often overlooked. One such situation is parking EVs in underground garages.

Why is fire safety important for EVs in underground garages?

  1. Lithium-ion batteries: EVs use lithium-ion batteries, which can pose a potential fire hazard if mishandled or damaged. In underground parking garages, where fires can spread quickly, these risks are especially significant.
  2. Rapid spread of fire: Due to limited ventilation and confined spaces, fires in underground garages can spread quickly. The flammable materials in electric cars can exacerbate the situation.
  3. Difficult access: Underground garages are often difficult to access. This makes it difficult for emergency services to respond. Effective fire protection can help prevent fires or control them before they get out of hand.
  4. There is a huge increase in risk when charging electric and hybrid vehicles with lithium-polymer and lithium-ion batteries.
  5. Property insurers need systems to protect infrastructure and other vehicles in the vicinity of a fire that will act quickly and safely in the event of a fire.
  6. At present, the only way to extinguish a burning electric or hybrid vehicle is with an extinguishing tank located outside the underground garage.
To ensure everyone’s safety, fire protection for electric cars in underground garages is essential. Ensuring that the benefits of electric mobility do not come at the expense of safety is our responsibility. We are at your disposal to provide you with the best fire protection solutions for your underground parking garages and to ensure the safety of your customers.

We offer a globally unique solution that is protected by extensive patents.

  • Compatible with any type of underground garage
  • Fits any type of garage
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Retains toxic fire by-products
  • Prevents the spread of fire
  • Fast and safe
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