The employer must ensure that the employees are provided with operating instructions for the work equipment used at work in a form and language they can understand, according to § 9 of the German Industrial Safety Regulation (BetrSichV).
In order to protect against accidents and health hazards, the employer issues written instructions to its employees. Operating instructions also serve as a basis for training. They briefly define the protective and behavioral measures to be taken for specific activities.
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and DGUV 1 regulations, the employer is obliged to ensure the safety and health of employees at the workplace.
Based on the risk assessment, the manufacturer’s information, the database of hazardous and biological substances, operational findings and expert knowledge, the operating instructions are drawn up.
Instructions must be written:
For all other areas, the necessity results from the risk assessment. Click here for more information.
*Costs depending on the complexity of the workplace and environment
Make use of an external expert from Instructo Consulting.